Editorial Board

Editorial Mar Caribe is one of the main Latin American publishers in the era of postmodernity, a basically cultural and philosophical movement that has resulted in the conception of a new series of paradigms since it was created in 2021, and since then it has released numerous original research and systematic studies, as well as scientific and historical works and documents for Latin America and the Caribbean. The editorial committee follows:

Ownership and governance

Josefrank Pernalete Lugo

ORCID: 0000-0002-6625-1334


Josefrank Pernalete Lugo, Editorial Mar Caribe of Uruguay, Argentina and Peru. Scopus Author ID: 57991727500. Contact: jpernalete@editorialmarcaribe.es Renacyt-Peru Researcher: P0272460. See: Renacyt file

Scientific committee to support the editor

Ethics Committee Coordinator

Yohanna Guadalupe Schwarth Villavicencio, Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda (UNEFM), Coro. Venezuela.

Coordinator of Linguistics and Literature

Pablo Enrique Arellano García, Universidad de Los Andes (ULA), Mérida. Venezuela.

Education and Interculturality Coordinator

Aniceto Elías Aguilar Polo, Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonía (UNIA), Pucallpa. Peru.

Research & Development Department

Lener Omar Panduro Rengifo, Universidad Nacional de Ucayali (UNU), Pucallpa. Peru.

Carolina Rendón Uzcategui, Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), Caracas. Venezuela.

Carlos Andrés Pérez Hurtado, Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira (UNET), Táchira. Venezuela.

Standardization, Editing and Layout Department

Yelitza Sánchez Cáceres, Editorial Mar Caribe (EMC), Lima. Peru

Jesús Eduardo Pacheco Díaz, Universidad de Carabobo (UC), Valencia. Venezuela

Raúl Eduardo Trejo Pacheco, Editorial Mar Caribe (EMC), Lima. Peru

Edson Cáceres Zambrano, Universidad de Carabobo (UC), Valencia. Venezuela

Editorial Board

José Alexander Colina, Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda (UNEFM), Coro. Venezuela

Scientific advisors

Area of Systems, Networks and Information and Communication Technologies

Ivan Carlo Petrlik Azabache. Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal (UNFV), Lima. Peru

Engineering Area

Juan Carlos MadrizUniversidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), Caracas. Venezuela

Area of Basic and Exact Sciences

Juan Pérez MarcanoUniversidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Caracas. Venezuela

Area of Psychology and Bilingual Intercultural Education

Zoraida Rocío Manrique Chávez, Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonía (UNIA), Pucallpa. Peru.

Validity of the editorial committee: 01/12/2025 to 30/12/2028

© Editorial Mar Caribe, 2025