The code of ethics and good editorial practices of Editorial Mar Caribe (EMC) expresses the commitment to observe the publication process with ethics, deontology and transparency. All parties: editor-in-chief, scientific committee, editorial board, scientific advisors, coordinators, compilers, authors, external peer reviewers, among others, must accept and follow these guidelines for the governance of the editorial board.
- Ensure quality, integrity and transparency during the editorial process.
- To be a leader in the resolution of conflicts between the parties involved in the editorial process.
- Assertively address structural inequalities in academia, for greater representation of researchers in the development of research evaluation practices.
- To promote the scientific dissemination of research carried out by professors from various non-profit and open access universities.
Ethical principles.
- Principle of quality: Editorial Mar Caribe is committed to following its editorial guidelines and constantly seeking the best standards available for book publications.
- Principle of open access:EMC promotes open, free, and immediate access to all of its books. EMC adheres to the Center for Open Science (OSF) Digital Object Identifiers (DOI), a free and open platform to support the research and collaboration of our authors. You can access our books through the link: We also rely on Knowledgde Commons for independent backup of files with persistent identifiers.
- Principle of respect and confidentiality of information: All parties involved in the publication (authors, editors, scientific advisors, among others), must communicate within a framework of mutual respect. EMC declares itself to be free of any discrimination.
- Principle of Authorship: EMC promotes the recognition of authorship of publications and requires the responsible use of information referenced according to APA, Chicago and/or Vancouver format, in the updated edition.
- Principle of integrity and transparency: Information on editorial processes is available to the public in the “Editorial policies” section, which guarantees transparency and open access to content. EMC also undertakes to make respectful use of the information provided by authors, editors, referrers, among others, according to the criteria of the “Privacy Statement“.
- Liability of the parties:
6.1 Authors: They must follow the “Guidelines for Authors” published on the website. They must declare the existence of a conflict of interest and provide a clear reference and self-reference in their documents. Copyright grants its owner the exclusive right to use the work, with some exceptions, under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license. The authors are responsible for the content of the book published by Editorial Mar Caribe.
6.2 Editor-in-Chief: Ensures compliance with editorial processes and transparency and ethical principles and is responsible for EMC’s editorial content. He chairs the meetings of the editorial committee. Participates in the final evaluation process of the books to be published in the ISBN Agencies.
6.3 Scientific advisors: They take care of the due process of acceptance, review, submission and publication, respecting editorial principles, equity and impartiality. This clearly shows EMC’s editorial standards and practices.
6.4 Scientific Editor Support Committee: ensures and maintains the quality of the papers submitted to EMC. It is the only body that has the right to decide which texts are sent to external peer reviewers. The identity of the authors is unknown to the members of the editorial board, including the editor-in-chief, as well as to the referees. In the event of a conflict, the members of the editorial board are responsible for the final decision.
6.5 External peer reviewers: They must comply with the deadlines for reviewing documents and approving opinions. They apply the evaluation of documents in an objective and scientific manner and base approval, rejection or approval decisions on significant changes and reevaluation. In the latter case, they offer suggestions to improve the document evaluated. They identify potential plagiarism or irregularities in the revised text and notify the editor so they can monitor the process. External peer evaluators act under the double-blind modality and the review service is contracted to international universities under the DORA declaration.
Editorial Mar Caribe aligns itself with the Declaration on Research Evaluation (DORA), this entity recognizes the need to improve the ways in which the results of academic research are evaluated. For more information on the policies for evaluating the research received, you can access the link: The publisher ensures that the visual assets of accepted books comply with EMC’s guidelines for authors; and is responsible for scientific visibility and indexing. This clearly shows EMC’s editorial standards and practices.
Obligations in relation to equality and non-discrimination.
Editorial Mar Caribe faithfully complies with the Peruvian Technical Standard NTP 722.001:2022 on “Gender equality management systems in the workplace”, approved by the National Institute of Quality (INACAL) for the Republic of Peru and Law No. 19846: “Approval of the obligations arising from international human rights law, in relation to equality and non-discrimination between women and men, including formal, substantive and recognition equality” in the Eastern Republic of Uruguay; to guarantee equal rights and non-discrimination on the basis of gender between women and men, including formal, substantive and recognition equality, this in relation to the percentage of inclusion of women in the constitution of the Editorial Committee.
Inappropriate editorial practices.
- Plagiarism and self-plagiarism (verified through the service contracted with Plagiarism Detector and Small Seo Tools).
- Undisclosed conflict of interest.
- Simultaneous application of the draft of the book to another publisher.
- Exclusion of an author from the book presented.
- Publish who are the external peer reviewers of each proposal received and evaluated.
- Payment for a book published under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
- Sale of the book once it is published in open access. Research books published by EMC cannot be sold, this is clearly expressed to the authors.
This Code of Ethics and Good Editorial Practices serves as a current policy for the period 2021-2024.
© Editorial Mar Caribe, 2025